We’re all guilty of misbehaving sometimes, and that’s perfectly fine. Some rules really are absolutely meant to be broken, and being a little mischievous certainly does make life more interesting. But, when it comes to your skin, developing poor habits on a consistent basis can leave you looking older than you are. A lot older and fast. So, if you’re currently committing any of these skin crimes it’s probably a good idea to stop, ASAP.
#1 You’re using certain products at the wrong time
We’ll give anyone props who are adding amazing aging ingredients to their skin care regimen, but, the times that you apply these ingredients does matter. Antioxidants like vitamin A, D, E, C, K and F should be used in the morning in order to fight nasty UV rays and free radical damage during the day, while collagen-boosting ingredients (like oleic, stearic, palmitic, and linolenic acids) aid in the skin’s natural collagen production and should be used at night while your skin is in repair mode.
#2 You’re pretending your skin hasn’t changed over the years
As we age, our skin gets thinner, drier, and sometimes more sensitive. This means using the same skin care products you used in your early teens and 20s just won’t cut it in your 30s, 40s, 50s and well beyond. You have to figure out what your skin issues are whether it be wrinkles, pigmentation or redness and adjust your products accordingly. Look for clean products that are great for dry skin & pre / post sun-care.
#3 You treat your adult acne like teenage pimples
When you’re know it all teenager, your blemishes are caused by puberty and excessive oil production. As an adult, the triggers are usually caused from stress and hormonal changes. Before you try to strip your skin of all its oil in an attempt to clear your pimples like youprobablydid in your teenage years, try using a cleanser that contains salicylic acid to help unblock pores and rid your skin of congestion.
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